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Beauty and the beast afternoon tea exists and we are OBSESSED

Beauty and the beast afternoon tea exists and we are OBSESSED
#girlboss7 years ago
View Rebecca's profile

Yes, you read that correctly. Beauty And The Beast afternoon tea exists and we are OBSESSED! If there's two things we love here at HQhair it's Disney and Tea. Mix that with a sprinkle of childhood nostalgia and you've got the perfect recipe for uncontrollable excitement. Dubbed

'Tale As Old As Time'

 you can treat yourself to this delightful afternoon tea at

The Town House at The Kensington Hotel 


beauty and the beast afternoon tea

In homage to the 1991 film, the menu features both snacks and beverages that allude to characters and scenes from the Disney classic. Not only that, but everything is served on Mrs Potts and Chip dinnerware. Well, if it's good enough for Belle its good enough for us!

beauty and the beat afternoon tea

Some of our favourite dishes from the menu include super indulgent treats such as 'chocolate clock tart with chocolate ganache', bite size venison pie and 'Try the grey stuff' white chocolate mousse which comes suitably served in a minature chip mug - CUTE.

beauty and the beast afternoon tea

Tale As Old As Time

is available Monday-Sunday for £38.50 per person or £50 with a glass of champagne. We'll see you there...

View Rebecca's profile