On January 16th 2017, you social media feeds will be filled with talk of 'Blue Monday', but what is Blue Monday? Well, it is basically "the most depressing day of the year". Fun, right? Usually falling on the third Monday of the year, Blue Monday is said to be the most depressing due to weather, time since Christmas, failing to keep those resolutions, low motivation levels and lack of spare cash.
Here at HQhair, we're not having any of it. We all feel a little blue sometimes, but there is no way us strong independent women are letting 'Blue Monday' get the better of us, and we're not letting it get the better of you either... You're In Charge, remember! Here's a list of things you can do to combat those blues!
How To Combat The Blues
Have A Clear Out
We don't wanna sound like your mother here, but seriously, have a good ol' clear out. Make a list of all the areas you want to de-clutter, and do them step-by-step, ticking them off as you go. For example, title the list 'Bedroom', and add a tick box for make-up, nail varnish, underwear, under the bed, etc. Once you start ticking the list off and your space becomes clearer and more organised, you will instantly feel happier.
Plan A Girls Night
There is nothing quite like the company of women. We're pretty sure that's an actual saying from somewhere...? In all seriousness though, think about who you talk to when you need help or advice, and arrange a night with all of them. It will give you something to look forward to and remind you how much you're loved! You could plan a movie night, a pamper night, or, like the girls at HQhair, a psychic reading party!
Get Plenty Of Sleep
Sometimes, an early night is just what the doctor ordered. Get tucked up into bed early, switch off your mobile phone, laptop, iPad etc, light some candles, and have some real 'wind-down' time. Studies show that having this tech-free wind-down time can really help to improve and promote a better nights sleep, so you can wake up feeling refreshed and much happier!
Get Stuck Into A Good Book
Getting stuck into a book can offer a welcome distraction to anything that might be getting you down, and although it is important to deal with the problem that's on your mind, sometimes you do just need to get it off your mind for a while. Some books we really recommend are The Little Book of Hygge - all about the Danish way to live well, #GIRLBOSS - because, DUH, and The Secret - all about the law of attraction and how positivity cultivates even more positivity. We can all get on board with that notion!
Make Plans For The Future
Something about planning for the future gets everyone a little excited. Whether they're solid plans like booking a holiday or arranging a night out, or dreams and goals like what your first home will look like and the job you'd love to have, making plans always feels good. We're obsessed with creating home decor and travel destination wishlists in the form of a Pinterest board. Grab yourself a hug in a mug and get pinning!

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