With the new school year underway and freshers weeks soon to be kicking off around the country, we're thinking all things back to school and uni. From moving into halls and making friends with your new roomies to the beauty products you need to keep your skin feeling fresh, we've got it all covered on the #HQHUB.
When it comes down to the nitty gritty though, you know - the actual work, it's important to keep on top of what you need to get done. Although Uni life is of course so much fun, meeting new friends, exploring new places, and most likely living on your own for the first time, you do need to remember why you're there. We've gathered a list of apps that are perfect for improving your productivity and helping with your studies, along with sleeping well, keeping on top of your finances and finding the best places to hangout in your new area!
What Are The Best Apps For Students?
What apps do you use whilst on campus?

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