Did someone say it's time for your July 2018 horoscope? Yep, somehow we've officially made it halfway through the year, and things are lookin' up. Here's everything you need to know about the month ahead...
July 2018 Horoscope
20 January - 18 February

Aquarius quote of the month: "Let it go"
Don't deny it, you have a grudge. We'd go so far as to say even your grudge has a grudge. It's not your thing to stay quiet and let bad vibes brood, but for some reason this month you're clinging onto bad feels past and not lettin' go.
Around 17th of the month, things are gonna come to a head and you're gonna need to make a decision: swallow your tongue and keep everything to yourself for the forseeable future, or let 'em know exactly what you're thinking. We're gonna say go for the latter, cos it might be Island levels of explosive, but it'll defs make you feel better for it.
Aquarius Product of the Month
Purify your grudges with a lil help from Christophe Robin.
(19 February - 20 March)

Pisces quote of the month: "Be bold"
Would you risk it for a chocolate biscuit? Apparently not so far this month, Pisces. You've got your eyes on the prize, but you're wearing shades so thick you're not quick ready to see things through to the final goal. Nothing risked, nothing achieved, amiright?
Take a look at what's holding you back: is it fear of what others will say, or perhaps fear of failure? Take a look at what realistically will and won't happen and it'll give you a much better idea of what you're putting on the line, without going into a blind panic.
Pisces Product of the Month
Your July 2018 horoscope is telling you to trust your instinct and be bold, apply the same thought process to your eyeshadow choices.
(21 March - 20 April)

Aries quote of the month: "Don't fake it, make it"
You need to wake up and smell the coffee, Aries, 'cos you've been spending a lot of time dithering the last few weeks. By 27th July you'll be meeting your deadline, so you really need to create a plan of action and really stick to it.
It's not like you to put off decision making, so stop second guessing yourself and trust your instincts as they'll pay off (long term, anyway).
Aries Product of the Month
Much like your decisions will be this month, make sure your eyebrows are on point.
(20 April - 20 May)

Taurus quote of the month: "Open up"
Considering we're flinging all our windows open and letting as much of the outside in as we can RN, it looks like you're shutting shop and closing yourself off from just about everyone. In short: stop.
Whether you've been ghosted by that guy on tinder or you've been mugged off by one of your mates, it's time to give people a chance (not even a second one) and let them in
Taurus Product of the Month
Cleanse and refresh your skin, just in time for a new start. Plus, read our guide to salicylic acid
(21 May - 20 June)

Gemini quote of the month: "Be a Dani is a world of Megans"
You didn't plan for a trip to the zoo, but it looks like you're surrounded by snakes RN, Gemini. There must be something in the water, as you're being attacked on every side and it's, understandably, getting to you. It's time to make a stand, and put an end to this snakey behaviour.
Around 10th July, cut your losses and cut those negative influences right out of your life. As that door closes, another opens and your summer is really about to start.
Gemini Product of the Month
Add strength - literally in this case - with one of our favourite Kérastase products.
(21 June - 22 July)

Cancer quote of the month: "Home is where the sass is"
Heatwave? Please. Just because the rest of the UK is out in the sunshine, doesn't mean you're about to leave your home and all its comforts. We know you're into nesting, and totally get it, so just grin and bear all the confused looks when you say you're gonna pass on the next social call.
Instead, why not invite people over mid-week for dinner, so you can sample the best of both? Upgrade your interiors jungle with plenty more houseplants and crank up the volume on your summer playlist.
Cancer Product of the Month
While you're getting settled in front of the TV at 9pm, treat yourself with truly indulgent hair products.
(23 July - 22 August)

Leo quote of the month: "Get grafting"
Happy birthday, bae, hope you've had some beauty sleep 'cause you're gonna be in demand! Things are lookin' up at work after a lot of hard work, but that doesn't mean you have to cancel all your plans to keep your head in the game. It's gonna be a busy month.
Ask for a diary for your birthday and make sure you stick to your plans. Yep, it's not particularly sexy to pencil someone in between your lash lift and meeting your mum, but at least this way you'll get to see everyone you love.
Leo Product of the Month
Get yourself a product that can do both. We're into this BB cream that's also got SPF in it, thanks K Beauty. Why not read our guide to the best Korean sunscreen.
(23 August - 23 September)

Virgo quote of the month: "The devil works, but Virgo works harder"
Hold up, Kris Jenner's got a new idol, Virgo. You're on fire this month, and we're living for the levels of boss you're serving.
You have a goal, you know how to get there, you're putting in the werk and we totally salute you for it. Keep on doing you, and let us know how you're managing to juggle it all, please??
Virgo Product of the Month
Don't talk to me, talk to my blindin' highlighter.
(24 September - 23 October)

Libra quote of the month: "Be the boss, babe"
To say the last few months have been a bit, ahem, testing is to say the least, Libra. The good news? Things are finally lookin' up!
That annoying person who's been hittin' you up is finally starting to get the message and will go their own way from 18th. With the freed up bran space, you've got time to concentrate on the bigger picture, and you're makin' moves that are affecting your future. That job you've been eyeing up? Hit apply.
Libra Product of the Month
We don't see f boy repellent, but we do sell Grow Gorgeous's repair range.
(24 October -22 November)

Scorpio quote of the month: "Harder, better, faster, stronger'"
If there's one word to describe the Scorpio July 2018 horoscope it's gonna be: "strength". You're focussed and are working toward your goals, and we know you're gonna reach them in no time at all.
Bear others in mind this month, and your success will be amplified. There's no need to keep it focused on number one 'cos it's not just you who can hustle. With the push of the whole squad, team work can make the dream work.
Scorpio Product of the Month
Keep your tropi-cool this month with the newest launch by Tangle Teezer.
(23 November - 23 December)

Sagittarius quote of the month: "Showin' off but it's alright"
You're srsly hot property RN Sagittarius, and you know it. You've been werkin' hard for months now, and it's paying off big time with loads of opportunities about to land at your door. Depending on the way you look at it, there could be a bit of a catch, however.
If you take a chance, the payoff could be big. We're talking the opportunity to move somewhere new or change your career entirely. Are you in the mood for new?
Sagittarius Product of the Month
If you've got travel on the horizon, be sure to pack these Moroccanoil travel minis.
(22 December - 19 January)

Capricorn quote of the month: "Try, try again"
You know how the saying goes, Capricorn, if at first you don't succeed, try, try again. The first half of this year hasn't really gone to plan, let's be honest, but your perseverance has paid off and now you've got plenty to smile about.
On 12th July something you've been wishin' for will finally come about, and it's gonna taste even sweeter now you can enjoy the - delayed - taste. Enjoy babe, you've waited long enough for this!
Capricorn Product of the Month
While you're waiting, treat yo' skin.

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