Foundation not lasting all day? Ain't nobody got time fo' that. We've found the best primer for your skin type to make sure your makeup goes from day to play, no worries.
What is makeup primer?
Makeup primer preps your skin for the next step, quite literally priming it for makeup. It's a step people frequently skip (less makeup = more time in bed), but it really does make a difference when it comes to the longevity of your makeup. We'll defs avoid touch-ups if we can, so it's a must-have step in our morning routine.
The best primers are used after moisturising and before putting on your base (whether it's BB/CC cream or a foundation). They simply even out your skin texture ensuring your makeup applies more smoothly and lasts longer.
It comes in various textures, but most commonly you'll find liquid, gel, cream and powder.
Best Primer
Now we’ve nailed all your primer needs, it’s time to get adding the best primer to bag
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